Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"Even so, we still want a king"

From Israel's humble beginnings as a nation through the time of Samuel the Prophet, the nation of Israel had seen God perform countless miracles. The Lord of Heaven's Armies, a name God calls Himself throughout the Old Testament, led His people, fought for His people, and won victory after victory for His people. Israel had never needed a human king, because God was their King, Ruler, and Warrior. Yet, it was not enough. Despite God telling the Israelites to be holy, and not like the other nations that surrounded them, here is their request to the Prophet Samuel in 1 Samuel 8:5-9.

"'Give us a king to judge us like all the other nations have.' Samuel was displeased with their request and went to the Lord for guidance. 'Do everything they say to you,' the Lord replied, 'for it is me they are rejecting, not you. They don't want me to be their king any longer. Ever since I brought them from Egypt they have continually abandoned me and followed other gods. And now they are giving you the same treatment. Do as they ask, but solemnly warn them about the way a king will reign over them.'" (italics mine)

Samuel did warn them about the pitfalls that would come with having a human monarchy. "But the people refused to listen to Samuel's warning. 'Even so, we still want a king.' they said. 'We want to be like the nations around us. Our king will judge us and lead us into battle.'" Romans 8:19, 20 (italics mine)

After reading about the persistence of Israel to be like the nations around them, my thoughts immediately went to what Paul wrote in Romans 12:2. "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (italics mine)

It was the custom for a nation to have a king, and Israel followed suit even though God called them to be set apart, a holy nation for His glory. The same call stands for us today. What behaviors and customs  of the world do we copy? What gods are we following that we have abandoned our true King for? Let's repent and let Jesus have his rightful place as King on the throne of our heart each day.